Definition and Parts of Combination Square Set

Combination Square Set:

 Combination Square Set

The combination square set is employed for layout operations. The set consists of a blade (graduated rule), square head, protractor, and center head.

Parts of Combination Square Set:

Following are the main parts of Combination Square Set:

1.    Blade
2.    Square Head
3.    Center Head
4.    Protractor Head


 The blade is meant to permit the various heads to slip along the blade and be clamped at any desired location. The groove within the blade is concave to eliminate dirt build up and permit a free and straightforward slide for the heads. By removing all the heads, the blade could also be used alone as a rule.

Square Head:

 The square head is meant with a 45° and 90° edge, which makes it possible to be used as a square and miter square. By extending the blade below the square, it is often used as a depth rule. The square head also can be used as A level.

Center Head:

The center head, when inserted on the blade, is employed to locate and lay out the middle of cylindrical workplaces.

Protractor Head:

The protractor head is provided with a revolving turret graduated in degrees from 0 to 180 or to 90 in either direction. It is wont to measure or lay out angles to an accuracy of 1°.


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