Vernier Caliper and Its Parts: Vernier Caliper Vernier Caliper: The vernier caliper is a measuring tool wont to get precise linear dimension measurements. A vernier micrometer is particularly useful to live the diameter of cylindrical objects as its jaws can clamp either side to urge accurate measurements. Main Parts of a Vernier caliper: 1. Upper Jaws or Inside Jaws 2. Lower Jaws or Outside Jaws 3. Depth Rod 4. Main Scale 5. Vernier Scale 6. Lock Screw 7. Thumb Screw 1. Upper Jaws or Inside Jaws: The upper jaws are smaller in size and are attached to the upper portion of the vernier micrometer. Similar to the lower jaws, one of these jaws is fixed and the other is movable. The difference between them and the lower jaws is that the upper jaws are used for measuring inside dimensions of hollow objects such as inside diameters of pipes, lengths and widths of boxes etc. The jaws are placed inside the place to be measur...
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